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KSM (Kusama) & NEAR Protocol Round Out Week 8 of 15 Weeks of Summer

by Kamil S


More Value Entering Coinmetro Exchange

At the end of a busy Week 8, after already listing DAI (MakerDAO), MATIC (Polygon), NOIA (Syntropy) yesterday, we are now introducing two projects that bring much-needed innovation to the blockchain space. Find out howKusama(KSM) is breaking down the walls of centralized web and learn about the high usability of the Near Protocol (NEAR). We move forward with our commitment to build bridges with actors that are positively impacting the blockchain environment.

KSM (Kusama) – Full Control & Maximum Blockchain Scalability

Kusama is an interconnected blockchain network of specialized chains (called Parachains), breaking down the walls of the centralized web. The network is designed to provide a massively interoperable and scalable framework for developers.

While other blockchain networks only allow developers to build dApps using smart contracts, Kusama gives full control over the underlying blockchain itself. This translates into better and more secure dApps and services for all. We believe Kusama is a game-changer for Web3 development. The flexibility provides developers with freedom to optimize for specific use cases — which means better and more secure dApps and services for all.

Built by the same team that created Polkadot, Kusama was designed from the beginning with the aim of bringing several key benefits to the on-chain game:

  • High Scalability – Parachains acquire maximum scalability by processing transactions in parallel, spreading them across the entire multi-chain network.
  • Flexible Governance – Several transparent governance features to serve each community.
  • Security – Parachains benefit from robust security by being connected to the native Kusama network.
  • Low Fees – Transaction fees are known in advance and fee structures are configurable.

From DeFi to identity and supply chain, gaming and NFTs, IoT, DAOs, and more, Kusama’s Parachains can be built for any use case. What’s more, Parachains can act autonomously based on the will of their communities to participate in Kusama governance and allocate on-chain treasuries. This opens the door to new decentralized funding models, from project funding to decentralized sovereign wealth funds and even cross-chain mergers and acquisitions.

Enough reasons to make Kusama a unique blockchain platform since it is mainly built for bold, ambitious projects, with a fast-evolving pace of development. Something from which the blockchain space can greatly benefit.

New Trading Pairs: KSM/USD and KSM/EUR

NEAR – A Blockchain Designed for Usability

The NEAR Protocol is a collective, a foundation, and a development platform built on a new Layer 1 blockchain. Trading today on the Coinmetro exchange is the token of a community-run cloud computing platform that pushes forward several improvements to the on-chain space, such as fast transaction speeds, high operability and high throughput.

The NEAR Protocol is a developer and user-friendly platform and a great environment for dApps. NEAR also introduces unique solutions to scaling problems and has its own consensus mechanism called “Doomslug.”

Another important feat is the multi-chain aspect of NEAR – ERC-20 tokens can bridge to the NEAR blockchain and back to Ethereum. Users can send these ERC-20 assets directly from MetaMask or other Web3 wallets to NEAR wallets and apps, and vice versa. The billions of assets originating in Ethereum are fully usable in NEAR applications.

The NEAR token is fueling a complex ecosystem that also allows for unique NFT monetization – on the NEAR Protocol network, you can configure how to split revenues on NFTs transactions to your own liking. For instance, every time an NFT is sold and bought, parts of the fee can go to the original artist, to the agency and also to every previous owner of the artwork.

The NEAR Protocol is also fostering collective investment, offering a great environment for DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). People can use the network to pool funds together and venture for crypto and NFT assets as a whole investment collective.

NEAR Protocol launched its mainnet on April 22, 2020, putting 1 billion NEAR tokens in circulation, having the following distribution:

  • 17.2% – Community Grants
  • 11.4% – Operation Grants
  • 10% – Foundation Endowment
  • 11.7% – Early Ecosystem
  • 14% – Core Contributors
  • 17.6% – Backers
  • 6.1% – Small Backers
  • 12% – Community Sale

New Trading Pairs: NEAR/USD and NEAR/EUR

Traversing Bear Markets with Agility

What are you making out of the current financial landscape? How do you currently leverage your investment in this challenging period? A great quote from the hockey world is: “I skate to where the puck is going to be.” Not that finance and hockey have much in common, but we all get the point. So how are you approaching this hot summer? So hot that the markets are melting. Are you being proactive or just reacting?

Throughout the last couple of months, we have listed tokens and partnered with projects that are instrumental to the blockchain, crypto and Web3 space, as part of our 15 Weeks of Summer campaign. Networks and technologies that are moving the ball forward, bringing us better blockchains (ALGOAVAX), innovative monetization solutions in the Web3 Metaverse (MANASAND), new tokenomics to our own XCM and essential partnerships like Fireblocks.

These projects are innovating and bettering the on-chain environment during bear markets, during bull markets, and anything in between. When optimism will again flood the markets, will you be on top? Where will your portfolio venture? By listing projects that are shaping the future of crypto and blockchain, we know where ours will be.

Join the debate in our ever-growing Coinmetro community on Discord and Telegram and let us know what you think! To include these listings into your portfolio, take action now. Head over to the exchange or sign up to our platform in just a few steps.


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