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The price of Ultra has fallen by 0 in the past 7 days. The price declined by 0 in the last 24 hours. The current price is €1.00 per UOS. Ultra is 117.38% below the all time high of €0.460.

The current circulating supply is 381,413,132 UOS.

Market Cap
Circulating Supply
24hr Volume
All Time High
1 Year
3 Month

What is Ultra (UOS)?

Ultra (UOS) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform tailored for the gaming sector. Stemming from a fork of the open source EOS blockchain, Ultra functions as both a digital currency for transactions and a foundation for decentralized applications (DApps) in the gaming world. It distinguishes itself by offering a decentralized ecosystem that addresses various challenges in the gaming space.

Ultra holds particular significance within the cryptocurrency landscape due to its focus on transforming the gaming industry. By leveraging blockchain technology, Ultra aims to revolutionize the way gamers engage in transactions, buy and sell in-game assets, and interact within the gaming community. Its significance lies in providing a decentralized alternative that addresses the limitations and inefficiencies often associated with traditional gaming platforms.

Significance in the crypto landscape

Essentially, Ultra functions as a comprehensive publishing platform and ecosystem catering to video games and related content. Its core mission is to disrupt the prevailing monopoly maintained by publishing platforms like Steam, ushering in fresh opportunities for game developers, players, and influencers. The overarching goal of Ultra is to establish a more equitable landscape for both players and developers. Players stand to gain from immediate access to playable games, the ability to earn UOS within the platform, and exclusive access to platform-specific games. Simultaneously, developers can capitalize on enhanced marketing tools and the potential to boost sales revenues.

Beyond its role in content and game publishing, Ultra extends its offerings to include a demand-side and service-side platform tailored for advertisers. Additionally, it provides players with the unique chance to resell their pre-owned games and introduces a platform-exclusive app into the mix. This multifaceted approach positions Ultra as a transformative force in the gaming industry, offering a diverse array of benefits to various stakeholders in the gaming ecosystem.

Mission and objectives

Ultra's mission is centered on enhancing the digital entertainment experience, with a specific focus on gaming. The platform seeks to create a decentralized environment that empowers gamers, content creators, and developers. Through its blockchain infrastructure, Ultra aims to streamline in-game transactions, foster a fair and transparent ecosystem, and ultimately redefine how participants interact and transact in the gaming industry. The objectives revolve around making digital entertainment accessible, efficient, and equitable for all stakeholders involved.

Ultra founders and history

Ultra is led by co-founders David Hanson and Nicolas Gilot, both with extensive experience in the video game industry. David Hanson, leveraging his 18 years of expertise, has a notable history of founding major gaming companies, including a significant $100+ million USD game console project later acquired by Xiaomi. Meanwhile, Nicolas Gilot, the second co-founder, has a successful track record of amplifying revenue for various video game and mobile app-related projects like Plants vs Zombies, Highnoon, and The Economist. Their combined leadership forms the cornerstone of Ultra, bringing a wealth of industry knowledge and a proven track record of successful ventures to drive the company's vision forward.

Under the guidance of Hanson and Gilot, Ultra's trajectory includes the incubation of groundbreaking gaming projects and the multiplication of revenue in notable ventures. The team's dedication and expertise have been pivotal in establishing Ultra as a prominent player in the industry, with a commitment to reshaping how games are developed, distributed, and enjoyed on a global scale.

In subsequent years, Ultra continued to garner attention and recognition for its innovative strides. An important milestone was the strategic partnership forged with industry giants such as Microsoft. This collaboration fortified Ultra's position, blending industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology.

Ultra (UOS) tokenomics

Ultra operates on its proprietary digital currency, UOS. Initially an ERC-20 token, UOS later transitioned to Ultra’s own blockchain. This token serves as the primary medium of exchange within the Ultra platform, akin to digital currency in a virtual world, having several key roles:

Transaction Currency: UOS facilitates transactions within Ultra, allowing users to buy and sell various items, including games and special in-platform assets.

Player Incentives: Gamers are incentivized with UOS, earning these tokens as rewards for their activities within the platform, such as playing games, serving as a digital bonus and reward system.

Governance Influence: Holding UOS grants users a stake in decision-making processes within Ultra. Having voting power, holders can contribute to discussions on upcoming games or platform features.

Token Allocation Overview: UOS are characterized by a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens. The detailed token allocation strategy provides transparency on how Ultra distributes and utilizes its UOS tokens, emphasizing the pivotal role of UOS in scaling the Ultra ecosystem and fostering user acquisition. The conditional unlock mechanism for the company reserve tokens enhances the company's commitment, ensuring the tokens' release only upon reaching significant milestones. 

Core Team and Future Hires: 18%

Partners & Advisors: 4.8%

Content Acquisition: 19%

Growth: 15.46%

Marketing: 1.2%

Company Reserve: 10%

Analyzing Ultra (UOS) price trends

UOS was initially listed in August 2019 at a price of $0.04, trading roughly sideways for the following year, without any significant volatility. In the summer of 2020, UOS started to gain some traction, exhibiting a 5x increase to the peak of $0.2 in September. In 2021, as the bull market was in full swing, UOS was discovered by more and more investors and traders. As a consequence, the token reached impressive levels of $0.7 in March, $1 in September, and its all-time high of $2.35 in November that same year. Afterwards, UOS continued to trade at levels above $1 until April 2022. For the following 18 months, UOS roughly followed the pattern of the broad crypto market. As of December, 2023, the Ultra token is trading at around $0.3 - a 750% increase compared to its initial listing price 4 years ago.

Final thoughts on Ultra (UOS)

Ultra (UOS) emerges as a noteworthy blockchain platform for gaming, providing a decentralized ecosystem for transactions and decentralized applications (DApps). With a mission to redefine player-developer dynamics, Ultra offers immediate game access, UOS earnings, and exclusive titles.

Co-founders David Hanson and Nicolas Gilot, industry veterans, lead Ultra's transformative journey. Strategic partnerships, notably with Microsoft, mark key milestones in Ultra's evolution. Analyzing UOS price trends, the token reached a peak of $2.35 in 2021, trading at around $0.3 in December 2023 – a 750% increase from its initial listing in 2019.

Tokenomics-wise, UOS plays a pivotal role, serving as a transaction currency, player incentive, and governance tool. The transparent allocation strategy underlines Ultra's commitment to scaling its ecosystem. In summary, Ultra's dynamic approach positions it as a key player in revolutionizing decentralized applications in the gaming industry, contributing to broader crypto landscape innovation.

Where can you buy Ultra (UOS)?

You can simply buy and sell UOS on the Coinmetro exchange in just a few seconds. Sign-up for an account, if you are not already registered, deposit funds instantly and buy UOS and 80+ other crypto assets with just a few clicks. 


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