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Bitcoin is on the incline today.

The price of Bitcoin has risen by 2.23% in the past 7 days. The price inclined by 1.40% in the last 24 hours. The current price is €1.00 per BTC. Bitcoin is 99.99% below the all time high of €66,764.20.

The current circulating supply is 19,731,662 BTC.

Market Cap
Circulating Supply
24hr Volume
All Time High
1 Year
3 Month
30 Day
1 Week
24 Hour

What Is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world's first decentralized digital cryptocurrency, operating on a peer-to-peer network without any intermediary or central authority. Today, Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in the world, empowering tens of millions of people across the globe to invest, trade, transfer money, make payments, and much more.

Bitcoin was first introduced in January 2009, after its whitepaper had been previously published in 2008 by an individual or group of individuals using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It has since become one of the most widely used cryptocurrencies in the world, currently holding the most significant market capitalization of all. 

Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority, such as a government or a financial institution, which makes it a decentralized currency. Bitcoin works by using a decentralized blockchain ledger, which allows transactions to be safely and securely processed and validated without the need for intermediaries.

The price of Bitcoin is determined by the market demand and supply, which makes it volatile and subject to fluctuations. Over the years, the price of Bitcoin has increased significantly. 2010 Bitcoin was trading for less than a dollar, and by 2017, it had reached an all-time high of nearly $20,000. However, it experienced a sharp decline in 2018 and reached a low of around $3,000. Since then, Bitcoin's price has been steadily rising. In 2021, it reached a high of over $68,000 before experiencing a correction again. 

One of the key features of Bitcoin is its limited supply. Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist, which helps to maintain the currency's value and prevent inflation. This has led to Bitcoin becoming an attractive investment option, with many investors and traders buying and selling Bitcoin on cryptocurrency exchanges.

In recent years, Bitcoin has also gained acceptance as a form of payment for goods and services. Many online and offline merchants now accept Bitcoin, and some companies even offer Bitcoin as a payment option for employees.

Overall, Bitcoin has disrupted traditional financial systems and has revolutionized the way people think about money.

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Who Created Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was created by an anonymous person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Nakamoto published a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," which detailed how Bitcoin works as a decentralized digital currency that enables secure, direct transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks or financial institutions.

After releasing the whitepaper, Nakamoto led the development of Bitcoin's initial code and helped launch the cryptocurrency in 2009. However, shortly after the launch, Nakamoto disappeared from the public eye and left the project in the hands of other developers. Since then, the development of Bitcoin has been taken over by a community of volunteer developers who work on open-source code to improve and maintain the network. Despite much speculation, the true identity of the person or group behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto remains unknown. 

It is believed that Nakamoto began working on Bitcoin's code in 2007 and continued to refine it until Bitcoin's launch in 2009. Nakamoto's contributions to the early development of Bitcoin were significant and laid the foundation for the decentralized network we know today.

Despite Nakamoto's disappearance from the public eye in 2011, the legacy of their work lives on. Today, the development of Bitcoin continues to be led by a dedicated community of volunteer developers. Through their efforts, Bitcoin has grown to become one of the most valuable and widely-used cryptocurrencies in the world.

How Does Bitcoin Work?

One key feature that makes Bitcoin unique is how it is recorded and maintained. Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public, distributed ledger. The blockchain is a decentralized database supported by a network of nodes. This ensures that there is no single point of failure and that the system is resilient against potential hacks and cyber attacks.

The Bitcoin blockchain secures and verifies each transaction using cryptography. Each transaction is broadcasted to the network and verified by multiple nodes, which use complex mathematical algorithms to validate the transaction. This ensures that only legitimate transactions are added to the blockchain, and any attempts at fraud or double-spending are immediately detected and rejected.

Once a transaction is validated, it is added to the blockchain, which makes it immutable and irreversible. This means that once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be modified or deleted, making the technology an extremely reliable and trustworthy system for recording transactions, with the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct financial transactions.

How Secure Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is one of the most secure payment systems in the world, thanks to the extremely high hash rate of the network (the measure of computational power). Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted, which makes the Bitcoin network resistant to bad actors and/or a potential 51% attack.

The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network also adds an extra layer of security, as there is no central point of failure that can be attacked or manipulated by hackers. Bitcoin uses a consensus mechanism called Proof-of-Work (PoW) to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain. PoW requires users to solve complex mathematical problems to verify transactions and add them to the blockchain. This makes it difficult for hackers to manipulate the blockchain or create fraudulent transactions.

Furthermore, Bitcoin is not controlled by any central authority, which makes it resistant to government intervention or censorship. More specifically, no single entity can shut down or manipulate the network, which enhances its security. However, exchanges and wallets that store Bitcoin can be hacked. Therefore, it is crucial to store Bitcoin in a secure wallet and use reputable exchanges when buying and selling Bitcoin.

How Long Does a Bitcoin Transaction Take to Process?

Validation time for Bitcoin transactions can vary depending on the number of transactions on the network at any given time. The Bitcoin network can process up to 7 transactions per second, which can cause delays during times of high traffic. Bitcoin transactions typically take around 10 minutes to process, but it can take longer during periods of high traffic.

Bitcoin Price History

Bitcoin has a long and fascinating price history, which has seen it go from being worth less than a penny in its early days in 2009, to over $60,000 in 2021.

Early Years of Bitcoin

Bitcoin was introduced in 2009, but it was not until 2010 that its price began to appreciate. In the early years, Bitcoin was primarily used by tech enthusiasts and libertarians who believed in the idea of a decentralized currency. The first Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, was launched in 2010, which helped to increase Bitcoin’s popularity and accessibility. By 2011, Bitcoin was being used to buy and sell goods and services, and its price had increased to over $1.

The First Bitcoin Transaction

The first Bitcoin transaction in history occurred on January 12, 2009, when Nakamoto sent 10 Bitcoin to Hal Finney, a computer programmer and early Bitcoin enthusiast. The transaction was recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain public ledger that records every transaction made on the network.

Bitcoin Price Fluctuations Over Time

Bitcoin's price has been known to fluctuate, with significant price swings in both directions. In 2011, the price of Bitcoin reached $1 for the first time, and by December of the same year, it had hit a high of $31. However, the price of Bitcoin fell sharply in 2013, dropping from $260 to $45 in a matter of weeks.

In 2017, the Bitcoin price reached nearly $20,000, before falling to around $3,000 in 2018. However, in 2021, Bitcoin experienced a significant price surge, exceeding $68,000 per coin in November.

Throughout market cycles, Bitcoin has gained mainstream acceptance as a legitimate asset class and a form of payment. Many businesses, including Tesla, MicroStrategy, and Block currently hold Bitcoin, and financial institutions like PayPal have integrated it into their platforms.

Significant Events that Influenced Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin's price has been influenced by a variety of factors, including economic and political events. For instance, in 2013, when the Chinese government announced that it would not allow financial institutions to deal in Bitcoin, the price dropped from around $1,000 to around $300. Similarly, in 2017, the price of Bitcoin surged from approx $1,000 to nearly $20,000, after Japan legalized it as a payment method. 

Another important moment in Bitcoin’s journey was the pandemic-induced market crash in March 2020. That month, Bitcoin's price dropped to around $4,000 as a result of all the uncertainty. This was a significant drop from its price of around $10,000 just a month earlier. However, Bitcoin quickly recovered and reached new highs, surpassing $60,000 in April 2021. This represented an increase of around 1,400% from its March 2020 low. 

Correlation Between Bitcoin Price and Mainstream Adoption

As more businesses and institutions begin to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment, its price has tended to increase. Similarly, as more financial institutions have integrated Bitcoin into their platforms, it has become easier for people to buy and sell Bitcoin, leading to increased adoption and higher prices. In recent years, several major financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have integrated BTC in their services as well, helping to drive adoption and increase Bitcoin price.

Another factor driving mainstream adoption is the increasing awareness and understanding of Bitcoin among the general public. As more people become educated about Bitcoin and its potential benefits, they are more likely to invest in it and use it as a form of payment.

Overall, the correlation between Bitcoin's price and mainstream adoption is clear. As Bitcoin becomes more widely accepted and integrated into mainstream society, its price is likely to continue to rise. Coinmetro provides a convenient and secure platform for buying and selling Bitcoin, making it easier for anyone to participate in this growing trend.

How Can I Buy and Trade Bitcoin?

Buying and trading Bitcoin is easy and straightforward. You can buy Bitcoin using fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. At Coinmetro, we offer a wide range of trading pairs that allow you to trade Bitcoin against other digital assets. Our user-friendly platform allows you to buy and sell Bitcoin with just a few clicks.

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Factors Affecting the Bitcoin Price

Here are some of the critical factors that affect the price of Bitcoin:

Supply and demand

Like any asset, the price of Bitcoin is influenced by supply and demand. When there is high demand for Bitcoin, the price increases, and vice versa. This fundamental economic principle is a major driver of Bitcoin's price fluctuations.

Supply refers to the total amount of Bitcoin available in the market, and it is governed by the rules of the cryptocurrency's protocol. Bitcoin has a limited supply, with a maximum of 21 million coins that can ever be created. The rate at which new Bitcoin is introduced into circulation is controlled by the process of mining, where miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and earn newly minted Bitcoin as a reward. The predetermined supply schedule and the halving events, which reduce the mining reward over time, contribute to the scarcity of Bitcoin.

Demand, on the other hand, is determined by various factors, including market sentiment, investor confidence, geopolitical events, regulatory developments, and the overall perception of Bitcoin as a store of value or medium of exchange. When there is a surge in demand for Bitcoin, more buyers enter the market, creating upward pressure on its price. The increased need can be driven by factors such as growing institutional interest, mainstream adoption, economic uncertainty, or even speculative trading.

Network effects

The Bitcoin price is also influenced by the size and strength of its network, which plays a significant role in determining its overall stability and adoption. The network refers to the collective infrastructure, participants, and resources that support the functioning of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Media coverage

Bitcoin's price is impacted by media coverage as well. Positive news reporting can lead to increased demand and higher prices, while negative coverage can scare investors, creating fear and uncertainty, and triggering a chain reaction of sell orders.


The regulatory environment for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can significantly impact their price. Positive regulatory developments can pave the way towards adoption, increasing trust and driving demand up. On the other hand, regulatory setbacks can create uncertainty in the markets and determine people to sell the asset, lowering the price.

Technological advancements

The development of new technologies and features can also impact the price of Bitcoin. For example, implementing the Lightning Network, which allows for faster and cheaper transactions, could lead to increased demand for Bitcoin and higher prices.

Bitcoin (BTC) FAQ

How Much Is $100 Bitcoin Worth Right Now?

If you're wondering how much $100 worth of Bitcoin is at the moment, it depends on the current market value. Bitcoin's price can fluctuate rapidly, so it's important to check the current price before making any transactions. As of May, 2023, the Bitcoin price at Coinmetro exchange hovered between $25,000 - $30,000. You can easily find the exact price of Bitcoin by checking the charts on the Coinmetro platform.

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How Much Will Bitcoin Price Be in 2030?

Predicting the exact value of Bitcoin in 2030 is impossible as it is subject to various factors such as global economic conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory developments. However, many experts believe that Bitcoin will continue to rise in value due to its finite supply and increasing mainstream adoption. The current trend shows that Bitcoin's value has been steadily increasing over the years, and it is expected to continue its growth trajectory.

Is Now a Good Time to Invest in Bitcoin?

Whether or not now is a good time to invest in Bitcoin depends on various factors, including the current market conditions, the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance, and their overall investment portfolio. As with any investment, it is essential to do thorough research and seek professional advice before investing in Bitcoin. While the past performance of Bitcoin has been marked by significant price fluctuations, many investors view it as a potential hedge against inflation and a safe-haven asset. Ultimately, the decision to invest in Bitcoin should be based on an individual's personal financial situation and investment objectives.

Why Is Bitcoin So Cheap?

Bitcoin's price can fluctuate significantly due to various factors such as market sentiment, economic events, and regulatory developments, to name a few. Some investors may view the current price of Bitcoin as cheap or low, while others may consider it expensive. However, it's important to remember that Bitcoin's value is ultimately determined by supply and demand. Investors should carefully consider market conditions, risk tolerance, and investment goals before deciding to buy or sell Bitcoin. 

Can Bitcoin Go to Zero?

While it's unlikely that Bitcoin will go to zero, like any investment, it comes with risks. The value of Bitcoin can be affected by many factors, including changes in regulations, security issues, and market sentiment. However, Bitcoin has a large and growing network of users, investors, and businesses that support its value. It's important to remember that Bitcoin is a decentralized currency that operates independently of governments and financial institutions. This can lead to increased volatility, but it also offers greater control and freedom to its users.

Where Will Bitcoin Be in 5 Years?

It’s challenging to predict where Bitcoin will be in 5 years. However, Bitcoin has already demonstrated its resiliency by surviving multiple market cycles and macro economic events. It is possible that Bitcoin will continue to gain mainstream adoption and increase in value over time, but it may also face challenges from competitors or regulatory issues.

How Much Will $100 in Bitcoin Be Worth in 2030?

It's impossible to predict the exact value of Bitcoin in 2030, as its price is affected by various factors such as market demand, regulatory changes, and adoption rate. However, historical trends indicate that Bitcoin has the potential for long-term growth. With increasing mainstream adoption and limited supply, Bitcoin's value could increase significantly in the coming years. 

What Year Will Bitcoin End?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, which means it does not have an expiration date or an end point. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, Bitcoin has a limited supply of 21 million coins, which are slowly being released into circulation through a process called mining. The final Bitcoin is expected to be mined in the year 2140, but after that, miners will continue to receive transaction fees as a reward for verifying transactions on the network. 

How Much Will 1 Bitcoin Be Worth in 2024?

While no one can predict Bitcoin's exact value in 2024, its adoption and mainstream use continue to grow, leading to potential price appreciation. Staying informed about market trends and using sound investment strategies can help investors position themselves for success throughout market cycles. 

Why Is Bitcoin Falling?

Bitcoin's value is subject to market fluctuations, and a variety of factors can contribute to a drop in price, including negative news stories, government crackdowns, and overall economic uncertainty. In addition, other reasons why Bitcoin's value may be falling at a given moment can include a decrease in demand from investors, a lack of new buyers entering the market, and overall global economic conditions. While Bitcoin may temporarily decrease in price for certain time periods, looking back at the long-term journey, Bitcoin is one of the assets that gained the most value in recent years.

Who Has the Most Bitcoin?

The decentralized, transparent nature of the blockchain tech used by Bitcoin allows anybody to check the public addresses holding the largest amounts, without disclosing the identity of a wallet address holder, unless voluntarily disclosed. These entities include wallets related to big cryptocurrency exchanges, which hold large amounts of Bitcoin in their cold wallets. Investment firms and tech giants such as MicroStrategy, Tesla, and Block are also known to hold significant amounts of Bitcoin, with MicroStrategy alone holding over 140,000 BTC as of 2023.

What Is the Current Price of Bitcoin?

Looking for the live Bitcoin price? You've come to the right place. Coinmetro offers real-time market rates on the value of Bitcoin and 60+ other cryptocurrencies. Stay up-to-date with the latest market movements with Coinmetro.

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Can I Buy Bitcoin with a Credit Card?

Yes, you can buy Bitcoin with a credit card on Coinmetro! It's quick and easy: Simply create an account, if you are not already registered, add your credit card details, and you'll be able to buy Bitcoin with just a few clicks.

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Is Bitcoin a Good Investment?

Bitcoin has been one of the best-performing assets in recent years, with significant growth in value, therefore becoming a popular investment choice due to its potential for high returns. However, as with any investment, it carries a certain degree of risk. It's important to do your own research, carefully consider your options and make informed decisions by understanding the risks involved.

Can I Sell Bitcoin on Your Platform?

Yes, you can sell Bitcoin on Coinmetro. It's a simple process that can be completed with just a few clicks. All you need to do is log in to your account, navigate to the sell page, and choose the amount of Bitcoin you want to sell. The funds will be credited to your account balance instantly.

How Can I Store My Bitcoin Safely?

There are several ways to store your Bitcoin safely: Cold, hardware wallets: Physical devices that store your private keys offline, providing a high level of security. Paper wallets: These are physical documents containing your public and private keys printed on them. They can be stored offline in a secure location. Desktop or mobile wallets: Software applications that you can download on your computer or smartphone. They allow you to store and access your Bitcoin easily, but they are less secure than hardware or paper wallets. Custodial services: Third-party services that store your Bitcoin for you. With Coinmetro’s custodial wallet, your Bitcoin is always safe and secure. With every storage method you may choose, it's important to always take necessary precautions, such as enabling two-factor authentication and regularly backing up your private keys.

How Long Does it Take to Withdraw Bitcoin from Your Platform?

Bitcoin withdrawals from the Coinmetro platform typically take between 10-30 minutes to be confirmed on the blockchain network. Our withdrawal process includes several steps, such as account verification and security checks, designed to guarantee the protection of your funds. At Coinmetro, we strive to process withdrawals as fast as possible while maintaining the highest security standards. Please keep in mind that network congestion can occasionally cause transaction times to be delayed. As a result, we request that you allow up to 24 hours for your withdrawal to arrive.

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