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Wasabi Wallet


Wasabi Wallet is an open-source, non-custodial, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet designed for desktop use on Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms. It stands out for integrating privacy features such as CoinJoin, Tor integration, and enhanced control over transaction fees, promoting improved user privacy and security within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Features and functionalities

Bech32 and SegWit Support: Wasabi includes support for Bech32 address formats and SegWit technology, contributing to reduced transaction fees and increased efficiency within the Bitcoin network.

Hardware Wallet Compatibility: Users can pair Wasabi with various hardware wallets, adding an extra layer of security by combining Wasabi's privacy features with the physical security of hardware wallets.

Privacy and Anonymity: Wasabi employs techniques like address rotation and transaction mixing to enhance user privacy. By using Tor, Wasabi prevents association between your transactions and IP address, promoting anonymity.

Open-Source Transparency: The wallet's code is publicly available for review and contribution, ensuring transparency and allowing users and developers to verify the software's security and privacy features.

User-Friendly Design: Despite its advanced privacy features, Wasabi is designed to be accessible, with a user interface that guides through the process of enhancing transaction privacy.

Economic Fee Structure: Wasabi provides dynamic fee suggestions to optimize transaction costs. Users have the flexibility to override these suggestions to match their preferences and network conditions.

Version 2.0 enhancements

The release of Wasabi Wallet 2.0 brings significant improvements, including a revamped user interface, streamlined CoinJoin process, and a novel approach to fee structuring. It maintains core privacy principles while introducing strategies to minimize costs and enhance transaction efficiency.

Privacy with convenience

Wasabi Wallet 2.0 simplifies the process of conducting private transactions by automating CoinJoins and providing clear, easy-to-understand options for wallet creation, recovery, and transaction execution. It ensures users can maintain privacy without compromising on usability.

Wasabi Wallet is built on the foundation of providing anonymity by default. Its design and features aim to shield users' financial activities from public view while giving them full control over their funds. By prioritizing privacy, Wasabi caters to users who seek to maintain their financial sovereignty in the digital age.