XCM Staking Limit Increase
20 de junio de 2022
by Kamil S
20 de junio de 2022
We’re almost through the first month of Coinmetro’s 15 Weeks of Summer campaign and the progress has been amazing so far! Here’s a quick update on everything that we’ve been working on… and even a teaser of more to come!
For Week 4 of the 15 Weeks of Summer, Coinmetro raised the XCM Staking maximum from 500,000 to 1,000,000. We’re always looking for ways to help you make money! By the way, this week marks the one-year anniversary of XCM staking. That means your plan may be ending very soon! Make sure you don’t miss a single day of that sweet passive income.
Last week, we increased the amount of XCM which is burned and removed from circulation. Fees we collect from the Swap Widget will now also be added to the weekly burn, in addition to the exchange fees.
XCM hasn’t exactly followed suite with the rest of bearish crypto market after all these exciting updates. Instead, it climbed into CoinGecko’s Top 200!
The platform has seen some major improvements recently. We listen very closely to user feedback and each update is designed to make YOU a better crypto trader. The Dashboard has been simplified after the addition of new dedicated Wallets & Transactions pages. Additionally, the new privacy toggle is very useful for trading on-the-go.
Fireblocksis a game-changer! This integration opened us up to vastly improved liquidity, as well as over 1,100 tokens available for listing. In just a couple weeks, five new listings opened for trading including the long awaited Cardano (ADA) & Polkadot (DOT).
- Use XCM as collateral for Margin trading – This will free up millions in funds to actively trade with, promoting a healthier and more resilient ecosystem with a well balance book.
- XCM Margin exposure limit increase – We have reviewed the exposure limit and will be allowing users to take larger positions which will help liquidity and in the short term may help the buy side of the book.
- XCM MARs expanding! – THT will soon arrive on MARs which will also bring more passive income to loyal XCM holders.
- Coinmetro Mobile App 5.0 – Know this: a new version of our mobile app is around the corner! After one year in development the new version will be made public soon, bringing much innovation and a more user friendly experience.
Stay close so you can find out about all new announcements! Join the ever-growing Coinmetro community on Discord and Telegram to learn and exchange ideas with like-minded people. To begin your trading and investing journey today, take action now and sign up to our platform in just a few steps.
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