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Coinmetro & lilAI: Revolutionizing Community Management with AI

by Kamil S


Those who have been part of the Coinmetro community for years know well that fostering dialogue and interaction has always been one of our top priorities. Today, we are excited to announce we are joining forces with lilAI, an expert in streamlining community management. lilAI offers a distinctive set of solutions specialized in overseeing, analyzing, and administering online communities effectively. Leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence, lilAI will keep the Coinmetro Telegram community spam free, taking charge of tasks such as answering inquiries and resolving issues, and ensuring an overall smooth and constructive dialogue, promoting an active and thriving community.

The anti-spam bot for Coinmetro Telegram channel

One of the first achievements of this partnership is the introduction of the Anti-Spam Bot for Coinmetro's Telegram community. With the ever-growing interest in cryptocurrency, Telegram channels have become a vital hub for discussions, insights, and information sharing. However, with growth comes challenges, and spam is one such challenge.

Coinmetro recognized the importance of ensuring a quality user experience within their Telegram community and decided to take action. This was the driver to collaborate with lilAI and tailor their Anti-Spam Bot solution for our community. The bot leverages artificial intelligence algorithms to identify and eliminate spam, maintaining a clean and informative environment for Coinmetro's Telegram users.

Our dedicated team of community moderators can now channel their energy toward cultivating a thriving and engaging community. Thanks to lilAI's AI-powered solutions, community management has never been more efficient, allowing us to enhance the Coinmetro community experience.

👉🏻 Here’s more about how the lilAI technology works to better our community channel:

Adaptive pre-screening

  • Smart content filtering & whitelisting
  • Fake admin detection
  • Global database referencing

Algorithmic Anti-spam

  • Contextual analysis of non-whitelisted content
  • Cross channel banning for all lilAI channels
  • Constantly evolving with community learning

Enabling Open Communities

  • Removes need for entry barriers and entry verification
  • Silent and seamless integration with no ads
  • Industry grade community sentiment analysis
  • Personalized support and monitoring by lilAI team

Our next steps with the anti-spam:

  • Imaging processing for non-text based spam/scams
  • Embedded link analysis for dangerous web content
  • User profile analysis for sleeper agents
  • Conversational tracking & subject analysis

Exploring future collaborations

While the Anti-Spam Bot marks an important milestone in our collaboration, it's just the beginning. Both parties are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and we are actively exploring various avenues for future cooperation. Although specific projects and initiatives are yet to be outlined, the shared vision is clear – to enhance the crypto and community experience for our users.

lilAI: A brief insight

lilAI’s expertise lies in developing innovative solutions that harness the power of AI to solve real-world problems. The company offers a unique suite of tools designed to empower both developers and communities: It specializes in automated community management, data science, and personalized chatbots. In addition to community management, lilAI offers products like lilAI Data Oracle for generating customized cryptocurrency project data, lilAI Bluebird for instantly creating Twitter-formatted text for crypto projects, and an experimental market predicting tool called lilAI Fortune Teller, powered by AI/ML.

$lilAI - the company’s native token, is based on the Arbitrum blockchain and plays a crucial role in supporting and fueling community-driven innovation within the Web3 ecosystem. It is distributed with careful consideration, and its allocation includes sections for Treasury, Team incentives, and 60% of all tokens to Uniswap Liquidity. 

Learn more about lilAI

Stay tuned for more updates, as this partnership promises to redefine the way you experience our community. As always: your feedback and thoughts on the new community management system are much appreciated. 

Join the Coinmetro community on Discord and Telegram, where forward-thinking traders and investors gather to share insights, explore new opportunities, and dive deep into the world of cryptocurrencies. Should you need any help, feel free to reach out to our world-class Customer Support Team via 24/7 live chat or email at hello@coinmetro.com. 

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