Coinmetro Integrates with CCXT: An Industry Leading Software Library
28 de enero de 2024

by Coinmetro Editorial Team
28 de enero de 2024
We are happy to announce a significant milestone for Coinmetro: our integration with CCXT (CryptoCurrency eXchange Trading Library), a leading software library for cryptocurrency trading. This integration gives CCXT users an option to include Coinmetro as an exchange in their applications, expanding our platform's reach and capabilities.
Our users can now connect their Coinmetro accounts to CCXT applications, marking a crucial step towards improved API (Application Programming Interface) functionality and future partnerships. The development is particularly exciting for API Traders, offering them more tools and flexibility for their trading strategies.
This integration also represents our commitment to providing a seamless and efficient trading experience for our community. Additionally, it paves the way for Coinmetro to forge new partnerships, expanding its reach and influence in the crypto market. Going forward, we will keep improving our API accessibility, performance and support with more updates.
👉 CCXT documentation for Coinmetro
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To become a Coinmetro user today, Sign Up now, or head to our new Exchange if you are already registered and experience our premium trading platform.
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