A People Person CEO
18 de septiembre de 2022

by Kamil S
18 de septiembre de 2022
We are debuting our Employee Spotlight blog series with the man who started it all – Coinmetro CEO and Founder Kevin Murcko. Kevin’s journey in finance began a long time ago; today, he is even more dedicated to creating a meaningful change in the lives of everyone.
Ever since founding the forex platform FXPIG, Kevin was driven by a mission to make finance more accessible and transparent, offering low spreads and honest brokerage services. Kevin is also a co-founder of Ignium – a company allowing small and medium enterprises to easily raise funds by harnessing the power of their communities of clients, investors, and supporters.
Moreover, our CEO frequently advises regulators and government bodies across the globe on matters relating to applying current regulations to new financial markets and instruments, regulatory sandboxes, and related topics.
Having the forex experience, Kevin understands well that capital markets do not serve everybody in the same way. Traditional finance is leaving so many people on the outside and it has grown to be a domain where only a select number of people can get involved and benefit.
By the time his company FXPIG had become a pioneer in bringing transparency to retail FX, digital assets were gaining traction and Kevin realized that crypto and blockchain can truly provide a more accessible and inclusive financial marketplace.
Driven by the purpose of offering equal chances to everyone, everywhere, he founded Coinmetro in Tallinn, Estonia in 2018, helping to shape a tokenized future and advance access for all people, regardless of their profile.
Kevin can be easily regarded as one of the most people-centric CEOs in the crypto space. For years now, he has taken the time to hold an AMA session every Friday, debating the most pressing issues in the industry and also having loads of fun with the audience (if you know, you know 😊). What question will you be asking our CEO in the next AMA session? Don’t shy away from whatever is on your mind, for sure, Kevin won’t.
Moreover, you can directly reach out to Kevin on our Discord and Telegram channels. Have a question for him? Tag him in the channels and he will try his best to answer you directly.
Being a thought leader in FX, Crypto, Blockchain and Financial Regulation, Kevin’s main focus is on removing barriers and bringing real, substantive change to capital markets globally. More precisely, this means introducing regulations, crypto products and technology solutions that can offer a better financial experience and just as important – the freedom to choose something you understand.
Find Kevin speaking at blockchain and crypto events soon at Crypto Gibraltar, Nordic Fintech Week in Copenhagen, DeFi Conf in Belfast, Gitex in Dubai, Bitcoin Amsterdam. Some really solid discussions and panels will be getting to the heart of the current challenges and happenings in the crypto space. Which one of these events will you be attending? Make sure to pay us a visit at our booth at Nordic Fintech Week and Bitcoin Amsterdam. We have cookies!
“It’s always easier to change things from the inside, than from the outside”
Kevin Murcko, Coinmetro Founder & CEO – AMA Session August 5, 2022
The above quote was taken from the AMA Session August 5, 2022 and largely stands for what Kevin and Coinmetro as a company are doing – actively working with regulators and governments to create a more inclusive and transparent financial space and drive crypto adoption forward. Regulation is the future of crypto and working on this is one of Coinmetro’s main priorities.
Equally important – voicing your opinions as a Coinmetroid insider is giving us a good sense of what we are doing, how we can get better, and how we can grow together as a collective. So let’s stick together!
Make sure to check out Kevin’s website to find out more about how Coinmetro’s CEO is democratizing access to the crypto markets.
Hang around on our Discord and Telegram channels or show up to an AMA to meet Kevin yourself, chat, have fun and learn something new every day. Sign-up today, or head to our new exchange if you are already a user and be a part of one of the fastest-growing crypto institutions.
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