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DeFi Lending and Borrowing: A Beginner's Guide

by Coinmetro Editorial Team



Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, uses blockchain technology to offer financial services without traditional intermediaries like banks. DeFi platforms operate on public blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Polygon, and others, utilizing smart contracts to automate transactions and other financial services. These contracts eliminate the need for a central authority, ensuring transparency and security and allowing anyone with an internet connection to engage in economic activities such as lending, borrowing, and trading. This inclusivity promotes financial freedom and innovation, challenging traditional banking systems and giving users more options. DeFi also offers higher interest rates for lenders and lower borrowing costs, attracting users worldwide. This blog will explore the basics of DeFi lending and borrowing, talking about:

  • What is DeFi lending and borrowing?
  • How DeFi lending works
  • How DeFi borrowing works
  • Advantages of DeFi lending and borrowing
  • Risks and challenges in DeFi lending and borrowing
  • Successful DeFi lending and borrowing platforms

What is DeFi lending and borrowing?


DeFi lending and borrowing refer to decentralized financial services where users can lend their cryptocurrency to earn interest or borrow cryptocurrency by providing collateral. Unlike traditional financial services, DeFi platforms operate without intermediaries, using smart contracts to manage transactions. This system allows for greater transparency, lower costs, and increased accessibility.

How DeFi differs from traditional finance

Banks and other financial institutions act as intermediaries in traditional finance, controlling transactions and charging fees. DeFi, on the other hand, uses blockchain technology and smart contracts to automate and secure transactions and other fintech products. This approach reduces costs, speeds up transaction times, and provides underbanked and unbanked people financial services.

Key concepts: Smart contracts, blockchain technology

Smart Contracts: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They automatically enforce and execute transactions when the conditions are met. This automation eliminates the need for intermediaries and reduces the risk of human error.

Blockchain Technology: A decentralized ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. It ensures transparency and security, as each transaction is immutable and publicly verifiable. DeFi platforms leverage blockchain to create a trustless environment where users can lend and borrow securely.

How DeFi lending works

Explanation of liquidity pools and their role

Liquidity pools are essential to DeFi lending. Users deposit their cryptocurrency into these pools, creating a reserve of funds that borrowers can access. These pools operate via smart contracts, which automate and secure transactions. When lenders add their assets to the pool, they provide the liquidity needed for borrowing. This system ensures that funds are always available for borrowers while allowing lenders to earn interest on their deposits.

Step-by-step process of lending crypto assets

Choose a DeFi platform: Select a trusted DeFi platform like Aave, Compound, UniSwap, or MakerDAO.

Connect your wallet: Use a cryptocurrency wallet to connect to the platform.

Deposit assets: Transfer your crypto assets to the platform’s liquidity pool.

Approve the transaction: Confirm the transaction through your wallet to complete the deposit.

Earn interest: Once deposited, your assets start earning interest based on the demand and supply dynamics of the pool.

Earning interest: How lenders benefit

Lenders earn interest by providing liquidity to the pool. The interest rates are typically higher than traditional savings accounts, reflecting the demand for borrowed assets. The platform calculates interest in real time, and lenders can withdraw their assets along with the earned interest at any time. Additionally, some platforms offer reward tokens as an extra incentive for providing liquidity.

How DeFi borrowing works

Types of DeFi borrowing (collateralized loans, flash loans)

Collateralized Loans: In DeFi, collateralized loans require borrowers to provide cryptocurrency as collateral to secure a loan. The collateral's value must exceed the loan amount to mitigate risk. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender can liquidate the collateral to recover the funds. Popular platforms offering collateralized loans include Aave, Compound, and MakerDAO.

Flash Loans: Flash loans are a unique DeFi feature that allows users to borrow funds without collateral, provided they repay the loan within the same transaction block. These loans are mainly used for arbitrage, refinancing, or exploiting price discrepancies across different platforms. Flash loans are available on platforms like Aave and dYdX.

Steps to borrow crypto assets

Select a DeFi platform: Choose a reliable platform such as Aave, Compound, or MakerDAO.

Connect your wallet: Use a cryptocurrency wallet to connect to the chosen platform.

Choose loan type: Decide between a collateralized loan or a flash loan.

Deposit collateral: For collateralized loans, deposit the required collateral into the platform.

Specify loan amount: Enter the amount you wish to borrow.

Approve the transaction: Confirm the transaction through your wallet.

Receive funds: The platform transfers the borrowed funds to your wallet instantly.

Benefits and use cases for borrowers

Leverage Trading: Borrowers can use loans to increase their trading positions, potentially amplifying their gains.

Arbitrage Opportunities: Flash loans enable users to exploit price differences across exchanges without risking their own funds.

Liquidity Access: Borrowers can access liquidity without selling their assets, avoiding potential tax events.

Investment Opportunities: Users can borrow funds to invest in other DeFi projects or tokens, diversifying their portfolios.

Advantages of DeFi lending and borrowing

Accessibility and inclusivity

DeFi platforms allow anyone with an internet connection to participate in lending and borrowing. Users do not need a bank account or credit history, making financial services accessible to a broader audience. This inclusivity empowers individuals in underbanked regions and promotes financial inclusivity.

Lower costs and higher interest rates

DeFi eliminates intermediaries like banks, potentially reducing transaction fees significantly. Lenders often receive higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts because DeFi platforms optimize interest based on supply and demand. This model can potentially benefit both lenders and borrowers financially.

Speed and transparency

Transactions on DeFi platforms occur almost instantly, thanks to automated smart contracts. This speed contrasts sharply with the sluggish traditional banking processes, which can take days. Additionally, all transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring full transparency. Users can verify and track their transactions in real-time, fostering trust in the system.

No need for credit checks

DeFi lending and borrowing operate without credit checks. Borrowers provide cryptocurrency as collateral, which mitigates the need to assess creditworthiness. This system opens up borrowing opportunities for individuals who might not qualify for loans in traditional financial systems due to poor credit scores.

Risks and challenges in DeFi lending and borrowing

Smart contract vulnerabilities

Smart contracts, the backbone of DeFi platforms, are susceptible to bugs and exploits. Even minor coding errors can lead to significant financial losses. For example, in 2020, a vulnerability in the smart contract code of the bZx protocol resulted in a nearly $1 million loss. Regular audits and code reviews are essential to mitigate these risks, but they haven't been eliminated entirely​​.

Market volatility and impermanent loss

Cryptocurrencies are known for their price volatility. When prices fluctuate, the value of collateral in DeFi loans can change rapidly, potentially leading to liquidation if the collateral value drops below the required threshold. Additionally, liquidity providers in DeFi pools may experience impermanent loss, which occurs when the value of the assets they deposited changes compared to holding the assets individually​​.

Regulatory uncertainties

The regulatory environment for DeFi is still evolving. Governments around the world are assessing how to regulate these decentralized platforms. Regulation changes can impact DeFi operations, potentially leading to restrictions, increased compliance costs, or even shutdowns of certain services. For instance, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has indicated that some DeFi activities might fall under securities laws​.

Security risks

DeFi platforms are attractive targets for hackers due to the large sums of money involved. In 2021, Poly Network suffered a hack that resulted in over $600 million stolen, although the funds were later returned. Such incidents highlight the importance of robust security measures and the ongoing risk of attacks​.

Successful DeFi lending and borrowing platforms


MakerDAO is a decentralized lending platform that allows users to create DAI, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. Users lock up Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies as collateral in Maker Vaults to mint DAI. The platform's decentralized nature and robust governance system, managed by MKR token holders, ensure stability and transparency. MakerDAO has become a cornerstone of the DeFi ecosystem by providing a stable, decentralized currency​​.


UniSwap is primarily known as a decentralized exchange (DEX) but also offers lending and liquidity provision services. Users provide liquidity to UniSwap pools by depositing equal values of two tokens, earning a portion of the trading fees in return. UniSwap’s automated market maker (AMM) system allows for seamless and permissionless token swaps, making it a vital part of the DeFi infrastructure​.


Compound is a popular DeFi lending platform allowing users to borrow various cryptocurrencies. Users deposit assets into liquidity pools and earn interest, while borrowers can take out loans against their crypto holdings as collateral. The platform's native COMP token provides governance rights, allowing users to participate in decision-making processes. Compound's automated and transparent interest rate model has made it a preferred choice for many DeFi participants​​.


Aave is a decentralized lending protocol that offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies for lending and borrowing. Known for its innovative features like flash loans and credit delegation, Aave allows users to borrow without collateral for brief periods or delegate their borrowing power to others. The platform’s interest rates are dynamically adjusted based on supply and demand, ensuring an efficient and competitive lending environment​​.


dYdX is a DeFi platform that provides a suite of financial tools, including margin trading, spot trading, and lending. It allows users to borrow and lend assets with varying leverage, offering advanced trading features that cater to experienced traders. The platform’s smart contracts ensure security and transparency, making it a robust option for those looking to engage in complex financial activities on the blockchain​.

Summary / Final thoughts on DeFi lending and borrowing

DeFi lending and borrowing offer decentralized financial services through blockchain technology, providing an alternative to traditional banks. Platforms like Compound, Aave, MakerDAO, dYdX, and UniSwap enable users to engage in lending, borrowing, arbitrage, and various other financial services using smart contracts, ensuring transparency and security. Available to anybody with virtually an internet connection, DeFi financial platforms offer financial inclusivity, providing services to everybody regardless of their profile.

Key takeaways

DeFi Lending and Borrowing Basics: DeFi allows users to lend their crypto to earn interest or borrow against their crypto as collateral. This system operates without intermediaries, using smart contracts to manage transactions.

How DeFi Lending Works: Users deposit their crypto into liquidity pools, providing funds for borrowers. Lenders earn interest based on demand and supply dynamics.

How DeFi Borrowing Works: Borrowers can take out collateralized loans or flash loans. The process involves selecting a platform, connecting a wallet, depositing collateral, and receiving funds instantly.

Advantages: DeFi offers accessibility, lower costs, higher interest rates, speed, transparency, and no need for credit checks.

Risks: Potential risks include smart contract vulnerabilities, market volatility, regulatory uncertainties, and security threats.

By embracing the principles of decentralization, transparency, and inclusivity, DeFi lending and borrowing democratize financial services and pave the way for innovative financial ecosystems that challenge traditional banking paradigms.

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