XCM Staking is Fast Approaching
9 de junio de 2021

by Kamil S
9 de junio de 2021
Here’s what you can expect when Coinmetro launches this massive enhancement to the XCM ecosystem!
- More passive income for our users!
- Earn up to 5% interest.
- Staking is the key to unleashing the full potential of XCM Tokenomics.
- XCM currently locked in rebate tiers will be automatically migrated into a flexible staking plan.
This is a great opportunity to buy XCM before a huge update!
We could not be more excited about this addition to Coinmetro’s financial metropolis! XCM Staking was in the original whitepaper and is an integral part of the ecosystem. Our native utility token we minted in early 2019 has grown & matured so much, just as we have as a company. Because of this… XCM & Coinmetro are ready for this truly massive enhancement to the ecosystem!
This major milestone is the key to unleashing the full power of XCM tokenomics, and will usher Coinmetro into a new era.
This is our blog. We can brag a little, right? Coinmetro is renowned for a seamless user experience. We do all the hard work behind the scenes and make sure everything is smooth & simple for you. XCM staking will be no different.
If you are a savvy enough investor that you’re already earning a passive income from Flux Staking, you will find a very similar experience with XCM Staking.

Getting started will be as simple as signing up for Coinmetro, and simply enter the amount & duration you wish to stake your XCM. As a result, you’ll immediately begin earning rewards and get paid on a monthly basis.
For real, you can generate a passive income with absolutely no technical efforts!
In short, there is no action required from users who are currently locking XCM as part of the Rebate System. Therefore, you just need to be ready for is a nice bonus!
Coinmetro will migrate all users locked XCM into flexible staking plans on the day XCM Staking is released. Therefore, you’ll automatically start earning rewards whilst retaining all the amazing benefits from the rebates system. You can close this plan (without penalty) and your XCM will become available to you. You can then place it into a new staking plan with a higher interest rate & more benefits/perks.
Are you excited yet?! How much XCM are you planning on staking when it opens? Join our Official Telegram community & tag our team with any questions!
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