Campaign Terms - Margin 10
12 de diciembre de 2022
by Kamil S
12 de diciembre de 2022
- Entry Period: 13 Dec, 2022, 12 PM, UTC until 31 Mar, 2023, 12 PM, UTC
undefined - Reward: Participant will receive €10 (ten EURO) to the Participant’s Coinmetro Account once all the requirements of this Campaign are met by the Participant.
- Trade Requirement: Participant has to perform a single margin trade, after 13 Dec, 2022, 12 PM, UTC on Coinmetro platform.
undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined - Margin trade is considered complete once a transaction on Margin has been finalized.
- Rewards will be distributed depending on when the Participants meet the Trade Requirement.
- Coinmetro reserves the right to disqualify any trades at Company’s discretion, including wash trades, illegal accounts, and trades that display attributes of market manipulation.
- By entering this Campaign the Participant fully agrees to these Rules as well as to the Coinmetro Campaign Terms.
- Coinmetro reserves the right to cancel or amend the Campaign Rules or Entry Period at any time without prior notice.
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